Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Year Ago Today...

A year ago I felt you go,
Though at the time I didn’t know.
I felt your last kick that jolted me awake,
I felt your last breath,
That your soul did take.
I awoke with excitement,
I awoke with fear,
Longing for your face & body,
To hold so dear.
I couldn’t wait for you,
So I went out to prepare instead--
I bought you clothes & linens for your bed.
I got home in the evening,
Daddy came home too.
I told him you would be coming soon,
The house turned into a zoo.
Before I knew it, all were ready
We loaded up the truck,
Shaking excitedly, not at all steady.
I screamed, I cussed, I scratched Daddy’s neck!
My fears subsided just a moment when,
Up to delivery I went.
But something wasn’t right inside,
I begged for someone to help,
But alas, you were already gone.
I screamed till my ears hurt.
There you were inside of me,
But your soul didn’t wait for birth.
My little princess rest in peace,
Was too beautiful for Earth

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Despair & Hope

In just a few short days it will have been one year since I went into labor only to find out that our darling daughter, Isabella passed away. Thinking of where I was last year compared to this year, is just so daunting to think about. This day last year was the last time I really felt my life was somewhat normal. Tomorrow will mark one year since I'm sure something truly went wrong and will always be the day marked with the regret of knowing I may have been able to do something to save her. But yet, I didn't know any better, and do not blame myself. All the books say how I was feeling on June 15th of last year was normal when you are getting ready to deliver. I felt like I had the flu and the Braxton-Hicks I had been experiencing for the last 17 weeks were beginning to feel like real contractions, but they were still irregular & had a lot of time in between them. Plus, when I told the nurse practitioner about the contractions, she insisted I still had a few weeks left no matter how my body was feeling & even though I told her my intuition said it wouldn't be much longer. June 16th & 17th were spent readying for Isy's arrival. Michael put up the crib, I packed my hospital bag, exchanged a few things at Walmart, and waited...

On the night of June 17th, I was definitely in labor. The contractions were hard and never got regular, they were right on top of each other almost from the beginning. My water broke & I kept feeling the need to push almost immediately so we rushed to the hospital in Champaign. An ER nurse raced me up to labor & delivery. I almost laugh when I think of her reflection in the windows by the elevators because I was yelling I needed to push-NOW! I think I was scaring her & Michael could barely keep up!
We got to the room. Michael’s & my parents waited in the waiting room. The staff hooked me up to monitors & checked to see how far I was dilated. The ultrasound showed nothing but bones & a slight outline of her body when they were looking for her heartbeat. The nurses were scrambling everywhere & the doctor came in & told us she was gone – but deep down we already knew. I screamed for them to cut me open, to just try to save her. But they wouldn’t cause there would be nothing they could do. I asked for them to please kill me too so I could be with my daughter. Devastation was taking hold and I couldn’t think in between the contractions. I had no amniotic fluid left, no baby, no hope. Only fear & despair were present. It took about an hour but they gave me an epidural & something to put me out so I could rest until I was fully dilated.

I remember our parents coming in & Mike & I told them Isabella was gone. Everyone was in shock and I felt so bad for all of them & for myself & Michael. There is no other feeling I’ve ever felt that was as raw of pain as at that moment.

I remember being in and out for most of the night. Crying whenever I would wake up. There were so many people there to support us, but yet, there is no support sufficient when you find out your child is dead. It’s such a helpless feeling and nothing takes it away in those first few moments.

Once it was time to deliver, the delivery was very easy. I truly believe God’s hand guided my delivery & subsequent physical healing. The emotional healing has been harder, but God has been there to guide me and to hold me in times of need. God brought words of wisdom when I needed them, a support group when I needed it, hugs & words of kindness from the most caring of people….I thank God everyday for allowing me to continue to live so I can remember my first daughter & carry my second daughter.

Even though my second Lil’ Miss is still in my belly, I feel her spirit inside me. She kicks and pokes & turns & hiccups and each movement is a moment of knowing her presence. Her personality is sarcastic like her daddy; she never does what the techs want her to at the ultrasounds. They need her to turn and she does a somersault and lands back how she started. I need her to stop kicking my bladder so I poke her and she kicks harder. I need more room to breathe so she hugs close to my ribs harder. I love every moment I have with her and I pray every day & have faith that she will arrive home safely.

I never felt so close to God before. I feel like His words of wisdom carry me through the most mundane moments of need. I’ve never felt so alive in His Love before as I do this pregnancy. It’s such an amazing feeling to realize that I’m truly living on His strength and not my own. I’ve never been so blessed. Even when I’m having a hard time emotionally, physically, or even financially, it’s impossible to feel all the way down. It’s like He’s put this little light of hope in me that won’t allow me to live in misery.

Thank you God for every moment and for allowing me to let those moments take my breath away.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


So the cravings begin!!!

Isn’t amazing how when your not preggers, a craving is just that, a craving that can usually wait until the next trip to the store or whenever your’re out and about or whatever. But when your hormones are raging around your body like a roller coaster on crack, a candy bar commercial instantly turns into a mouth-watering, belly rumbling, marathon running, trip to the nearest supermarket!

I never had super specific cravings during my first pregnancy, or at least not this early or this bad! I actually went to the gas station the other night at a quarter till 11 in my jammies and snow boots cause I wanted a Hostess Sweet Roll so bad my mouth was twitching in chewing motions just thinking about it! And now, all I can think about is squishing the head off of an unsuspecting pineapple gummy bear! I’m actually fantasizing about how it will feel going down my throat! Yum!

We keep a pad of paper on the fridge to write down things we’re running out of so we don’t forget to add them to the weekly list but this week, I’ve already been to store twice and here’s what’s already made it on the list just since last night:
Texas Toast (for good French toast with powdered sugar & maple syrup of course!)Gummy BearsHostess Sweet RollsHershey’s Kisses

Now, I’m a gal with not much of a sweet tooth and very sensitive teeth, so hubby is in awe at the thought of having so many goodies in the house. Maybe I can trick him into gaining weight with me, lol!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tips for Trying to Conceive After Stillbirth/Miscarriage

Let me start, by saying that I love all of you guys and pray every day for all of the Mommies I’ve met during my journey since Isabella's death. I pray for all of us to have strength and peace during healing, TTC, and for everyone to get a BIG FAT POSITIVE!

I know that much of this information, you guys already know, but a few people have asked that I post how I prepared for TTC. I had 7 months to the day to prepare, and then only took 1 cycle of trying to get a BFP. So although I don’t understand how it feels to keep trying month after month, I do know what it’s like to have to wait. Initially, we got the go ahead for TTC at 3 months following our (full term) daughter’s death. Then during a regular appointment, my doctor mentioned that I needed to get another mmr vaccine, which meant we had to wait another 3 months due to the brand of vaccine our doctor’s office uses. Well, based on my cycle, then we had to wait what ended up being another month. Every month we had to wait was torturous. Then once we did try…. It was so miserable waiting to know for sure. I can honestly say that the week after ovulation was completely awful (as u all know) and I commend all of you for keeping your sanity month after month.

The two most important things I owe to our success at getting pregnant is definitely prayer and preparation. Even before we were able to ttc, I spent night after night praying, begging God, to please make my womb a healthy place for a baby (or maybe two). I told God night after night, that I will take what He gives me, be it a boy, a girl, 3 of each….. I didn’t care, just a breathing child that I get to take home and care for and rock to sleep and comfort. My heart broke every time I prayed because I knew it was still too early to try, but I was filled with hope too because I knew that when it was God’s time, He would bless us with a child, or two, or 3….

When I wasn’t praying, I was researching. I spent so many hours on the internet finding everything I could regarding non-medicinal fertility. I didn’t use everything I learned, but I did absorb a lot of information and save tons of websites in my favorites folder that are still weighing down my computer. I want to share some of those websites and research with everybody in the hopes that something I learned can help someone else. And if anyone has anything to add, please do! I’m certainly not an expert at anything, and I know there are some things that some may disagree with, or things that may not work for some people… but I hope if nothing else, I’ve given you something to think about.

First, let me start with what I did.

#1- I took high dose folic acid and prenatal vitamins for 6 months prior to starting TTC. Granted the high dose folic acid was given to me because of a slight genetic mutation I have. However, studies show that increasing folic acid before TTC, can encourage fertility. And taking it before conception can decrease the risk of spina bifida in your baby once you do get preggers.

#2-I took care of myself. I ate healthy, got enough sleep, and got back down to my almost pre-baby weight (124lbs.) Until the 5 weeks before actual TTC…. Then I ate even better (fruits, veggies, whole grains) and increased my diet so that I actually gained 2lbs. I read some studies that said gaining just a few pounds before TTC for some reason (they didn’t know why) seemed to increase your body’s ability to ovulate. Also, I began sleeping about 30-45 minutes more per night also and increased my dairy intake which also supposedly increases fertility.

#3- I monitored my cervical discharge for about 3 months before actual TTC month. One of the websites below tells you how.

#4-Also, I began “practicing” being pregnant. That’s right! Dumb sounding, but I did. When preggers (as we all know) some things are just harder to do. Like eating big meals, remember to start shaving your legs at the bottom instead of the top (belly WILL get in the way again someday), drinking enough water if you’re not use to it, NOT drinking a lot of caffeine… So what I did was make a chart with squares on it every day for meals, water, and caffeine. And just try and do things like I did when I was pregnant so it wouldn’t be as big of an adjustment when the time came.

I ate 4-6 small meals a day, drank 60-100oz. of water, and cut my caffeine consumption down to two a day (I LOVE Mountain Dew!). I made a chart once a month and hung It on the fridge. Every day I would highlight the things that I had completed. I’m a chart/list person, so this really helped me do something toward TTC, since I couldn’t do anything else. Also, by keeping it on the fridge, it helped keep me accountable to remembering to take my pills every day and just be healthier.

#5-(TMI) I stopped wearing mini-pads. It was a pain, and on heavy cm days, I would change my undies half way through the day. But mini-pads raise the temperature of your vagina and can cause your ph balance to be off which can lead to things like yeast infections and bacterial infections. According to my gyno, an imbalanced ph can also affect fertility. Also, my gyno recommended not using soap directly on the groin area and not spraying that area with a shower head to rinse off with but to spray directly above. She said it may not feel like it, but soap and water both can be getting into the vagina via the spray and be disrupting the ph as well.

#6-Once it was TTC cycle, I began using OPK strips (I used Wondfo, about $10 for 30 of them on Ebay) until I got a near positive (never actually got a positive cause it seems I only had a short LH surge in the middle of the night).

#7- We didn’t wait to BD for the LH surge. We started the day my AF left and BDd every other day until I felt myself ovulating and then BDd two days in a row since I had ovulation pain for two days.

#8-During ovulation week, I took it easy. I didn’t lift anything I didn’t have to and spent as much time as possible relaxing. That doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything… I just did things carefully and took lots of breaks.

Anyway…. That’s all for me personally, but here are the other things I was planning on looking into if month one wasn’t “the month” and just some websites that I found to be useful in general. I read through all of the websites and found a wealth of information that gave me encouragement and helped me know whether I was really ready to start TTC emotionally or not.

This site has a lot of TTC links and also early signs of conception lists:

What to After Sex to Improve Chances of Implantation

For when you’re ready to start testing, here is a list of the hpt sensitivities. All tests are not created equal. I got a faint positive line at only 8DPO using a First Response Early Result test. If this tells you anything, I got blood work that day and my hcg level was only 12.3miu. Most over the counter hpts won’t test positive until at least 25miu or even higher! Also, here is the link to a $2 off printable coupon for First Response hpts, or ovulation tests, you can print it out only twice per computer: then click on the yellow button that says “Save $2.00”

Fertility Awareness site. It goes over Charting Cervical Mucus, Charting Basal Body Temperature, and a few other things:

More cervical mucus information and a chart you can download and print out:

Some ovulation prediction kit information:

For fun, here’s a TTC glossary to help with those pesky message boards:

Planning to Get Pregnant:

How to Chart your Basal Body Temperature and how to Detect Ovulation:

How to Detect Fertile Cervical Mucus:

Herbs to avoid during TTC and pregnancy:

Top 10 Herbs to Aid Conception:

Protect Your Pregnancy Before You Conceive:

20 Things to Do Before You TTC:

10 Steps to Getting Healthy Before TTC:

Article on Pregnancy After Stillbirth:

WebMD’s Pregnancy Vitamin Guide:

Will tell you about many doctor’s in the US. Like if they have complaints registered against them, etc.:

Finding a doctor after miscarriage and stillbirth:

What you Need to Know About Prenatal Vitamins:

Safer Food for a Healthier You:

Understanding Fertility and Ovulation:

Preparing for Pregnancy Emotionally:

Preparing Your Body for Pregnancy:

Getting Started on Getting Pregnant:

Thanks all for reading my huge list of things. I love you guys and am keeping you in my prayers. I thank God for all of you every day because you have been my sisters through the biggest tragedy anyone could ever experience.